Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adam Holiday Taylor Bounty Land for Margaret Dixon

The following document was an effort to get Margaret Dixon rights to Adam's pension and bounty land. It is very valuable because it contains information from Adam Taylor's bible on the births of Adam Taylor's children. It also contains Adam's birth, marriage, and death date along with Margaret Dixon's birth date. The document is signed by Adam's son, John.

State of Kentucky

County of Pendleton SS Personally appeared before the undersigned Kennady Blackburn a justice of the peace within & for the County & state aforesaid John Taylor of lawful age & good character to me well known as a resident of Kenton County Kentucky; & being first duly sworn according to law declares & says. That he is, according to the best information he has, a son of Adam Taylor, & Margaret Taylor formerly Margaret Dixon. That his father departed this life some where[sic] about the 1st of November 1851. – That his mother has recently come to live with him.- That he has now before him the family Bible of his father the said Adam Taylor In while under the head of Family Record is to be seen the following. Adam Taylor was born in the year of our Lord 1763 or 64 October 17.—Margaret Dixon was born August 2 Anno Domino 1774. – Married May the 8th Anno Domino 1794 Adam Taylor & Margaret Dixon. –Children being born

Joseph Taylor was born February 21, 1796.-

Thomas Taylor was born January 29, 1798.-

Adam Taylor was born Feb 18, 1800. –

William Taylor was born May 18, 1802. –

Easter Taylor was born October 9, 1804.-

John Taylor was born April 16, 1807.-

S D Taylor was born April 7, 1809. –

Jessey Taylor was born April 17 1811. –

Reuben Taylor was born May 22 1813.-

David Taylor was born July 27 1816. –

Holiday D Taylor was born July 7 1820. –

Nancy Jane Taylor was born March 1st 1823.-

So reads the family record left by my father which I believe to be correct. It is not in my Father’s own hand writing. –a part of the word is made out as this affiant Believes in the hand writing of an Daniel Davis a school teacher; & part of it, in the hand writing of Holiday D. Taylor, Son of Adam Taylor, & brother to this affiant John Taylor.- He further states that he is fully satisfied that the entrys [sic] were made & permitted to remain on record with his the said Adam Taylor’s knowledge. –for some years previous to his death. – This affiant also further states that his father had a Bible formerly-. In which was entered of record, in his own hand writing, his family Register or records of births ??.- The other bible he had, was a smaller one, than the one now before him & was much worn & tattered.- He further states that he has no doubt that the latter records is correctly copied from the former; & that both are correct.- He further states that he himself looks up to the bible now before him, for correct information, concerning his own birth & also that of his brothers & sisters & so far as he knows or believes, they that now survive all do the same.- He further states that he is making this affidavit to enable his mother, the said Margaret Taylor formerly the wife; now the widow of Adam Taylor, a Revolutionary Pensioner, to provide from the Department of the Interior, the Bounty land & pension to which she may be entitled, under existing laws of the United States.-he also further states that he is a disinterested affiant, so far as he under the circumstances could consistently be; that he claims no exclusive interest, or control in any thing [sic] she, has or may acquire.- That

he expects in all human probability that she the affiant’s mother, will remain with him so long as they both live; & should she succeed in getting little or much; it will be his to dispose of, as she in her own good pleasure, may seem fit.- free from any claim or control of this affiant Sworn to & subscribed this 10th day of March 1856

John Taylor

Kennedy Blackburn

State of Kentucky County of Pendleton Sit I Matthew Mullins Clark of the Court for the County & state aforesaid do hereby certify that Kennady Blackburn Esq whose genuine signature appears above is & was at the time of subscribing the same an acting Justice of the Peace within & for the County & state aforesaid duly Commissioned & sworn & that full faith & credit are due to all his official acts as such in Testimony when of I have here unto subscribed my name & affixed the seal of my said office done at Falmouth this 11 day of March 1856

M Mullins Ck

Footnote.com, Revolutionary War Pensions, original data from the National Archives, NARA M804, Pennsylvania, Adam Taylor, documents 5-7, accessed 20 January 2011.

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