Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adam Holiday Taylor's Revolutionary War Pension File

Adam Holiday Taylor is the grandfather of Margaret Eliza Taylor. Her father, Joseph Taylor, was his first child. Adam was born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania in 1763. Because the need was so great, he began serving in the Revolutionary War when only 15 years old.

We are fortunate to have copies of the records of Adam Holiday Taylor's service in the Revolutionary War. These are kept at the National Archives in his pension file. They have become available through Footnote.com. There are 69 pages in all, giving a wide variety of information on his own life as well as his family's lives. Today I am posting the first three pages. I have included a transcription of the pages 2 and 3, for easier reading. If you see any corrections to be made in the transcriptions, please record them in the comment box.

I hope you enjoy these documents.

State of Kentucky

County of (Pendleton struck out) Kenton (written above) SS on this 17th day of December AD 1855

Personally appeared before the undersigned a justice of the peace within & for the County and State aforesaid Margaret Taylor a resident of the County of Kenton in the state of Kentucky aged about eight one years & of good character & being duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the act or acts of Congress passed on the 29 day of July 1848 granting pensions to widows of persons who served during the Revolutionary war. – That she is the widow of Adam Taylor who was a private in the army of the Revolution that her said husband entered the army at on or about the (left blank)

In the company commanded by Captain (left blank) of the (left blank) Regiment commanded by Colonel (left blank) & General (left blank)

That he was discharged or disbanded at (left blank) on or about the (left blank)

That she was lawfully joined in marriage with said Adam Taylor at or in Westmoreland County Pennsylvania by one John Ponerry A Justice of the Peace on or about the 8 day of May AD 1794 and that her said

husband died in the County of Pendleton & state of Kentucky on or about the first day of November 1851 & that she is now a widow. She further states that her aforesaid husband was a Revolutionary pensioner. That his Pension Certificate now in her possession is in the words and figures as follows – to wit

War Department

Revolutionary Claim


I Certify that in conformity with the law of the United States of the 7th of June 1832 Adam Taylor of the state of Kentucky who was a private in the army of the Revolution is entitled to receive Eighty Dollars & ____ Cents per annum during his natural life commencing on the 4th of March 1831 & payable semi annually on the 4th of March & 4th of September in every year.

Given at the war office of the United States this 28th day of April one Thousand eight hundred & thirty four

Levi? Cass

Secretary of ward

Examined & Countersigned, D L Edward

Commissioner of Pensions

She refers to & relies on the proof on file at the office for particulars & for proof of her sd husband’s services sworn to & subscribed the day & date first before written

Margaret Taylor (her mark)


Footnote.com, Revolutionary War Pensions, original data from the National Archives, NARA M804, Pennsylvania, Adam Taylor, documents 1-3, accessed 20 January 2011.

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