Monday, January 17, 2011

Love of family

According to the Logan Temple baptismal records, Margaret's father was Joseph Taylor. He was born in Pennsylvania and died 18 August 1846. His great grandson, Thomas Alma Clement Jr. was the proxy at Joseph's baptism. [1]

Margaret herself was the proxy for her mother's baptism. She apparently did not know her mother's maiden name as she was simply recorded as "Mrs. Nancy Taylor," born in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania. It is still a mystery as to what Nancy's maiden name was. [2]

Margaret's paternal grandmother was Margaret Dixon. Her birthplace is listed as being "of Pendleton, Ken." Margaret Eliza Taylor was also the proxy for her grandmother's baptism. Her paternal grandfather was Adam Taylor. The birthplace is listed as Kentucky by his 2nd great grandson and proxy, Thomas Alma Clement Jr. [3] This should probably be "of Kentucky" like Margaret Dixon. While Adam and Margaret Dixon Taylor lived in Kentucky at the end of their lives, they were born in Pennsylvania.

The temple work that Margaret and her family did was invaluable. It gives us names and places of parents, grandparents, siblings and others to begin further research and documentation. It also gives an insight into her love for her family. While her family did not share her religious beliefs, that difference did not dim their love for each other. And, as we'll learn later, her brothers would demonstrate their deep love for her in 1857.
1 Logan Temple, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baptisms for the dead 1884-1955, 8 March 1892 (Salt Lake City, Utah: filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1958-1971) 97, no. 3583, FHL Film 177853.
2 Logan Temple, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baptisms for the dead 1884-1955, 20 January 1885 (Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of utah, 1958-1971) 154, no 5510, 5509, FHL Film 178,838.
3 Logan Temple, Baptisms for the dead 1884-1955, 8 March 1892, p. 98, no. 3387, FHL Film 177853.

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen these temple records! Don't you love it when you find things like that. You feel connected for those who had the same spirit of Elijah that you do!!
