Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Serving in the Revolutionary War

While this document was not easy to transcribe, the information within is so interesting as to make it worthwhile. It is through this document that we learn about Adam Holiday Taylor's actual service in the Revolutionary War.

State of Kentucky
Pendleton County

On this 7th day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty three personally appeared in open court, before the Justices of the county court of Pendleton now sitting, Adam H. Taylor a resident of the county of Pendleton and State of Kentucky aged seventy years lacking ten days, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, passed Jun 7th 1832.
That in the year 1779, he lived in the county of Westmoreland and State of Pennsylvania and although he was not yet of the age at which he was bound to militia duty yet such was the danger apprehended from the incursions of the Indians who was in alliance with the British that during the Summer season of the year it required nearly all the men that was on the then frontier to guard and prevent the Indians from breaking up the settlements and crossing the mountains and operating against the main army of Independence, influenced by the above considerations and preferring guarding a station or fort to working in the corn field and running the risk of being shot and scalped while at work and unarmed this declarant in the Spring of the aforesaid year of 1779 then ??ing fifteen years old permitted his name

to be enrolled as a minute man in the militia of the State of Pennsylvania and on or about the month of Aril or first of May in said year he was regularly ordered in to the Service and was stationed at Wallaces fort in the aforesaid county and under the command of Captain Samuel Dixon and served this year in the grade of private for the turm [sic] of six months our service consisted in guarding at the fort and occasionaly [sic] ranging along the frontier whenever they were ordered out by their officers which happened when the officers had reasons to believe that the Indians were lurking about for the purpose of commiting [sic] depredations, this year sometime in the month of May and after he had been in the fort some time the exact time not now recollected the fort was attacted [sic] by the Indians and they suceeded [sic] in killing nine men of those who happened to be out of the fort when they approached also of those who sallied out of the fort the number of the enemy killed he does not know but as they were compelled to retreat he supposes that their loss was still greater. Major James Wilson was at the fort and took the command during the engagement. Colonel Ellick Barr commanded the Regiment to which he belonged And about the month of June same year the fort was again attacked by the Indians and they were again compelled to retreat with at least

a few killed as we found one killed who was a white man who was with them none killed in the fort but this declarant was wounded by a glancing shot from a Rifle just above the left hip and on the side of the mark of which is now plain to be seen in this attact [sic] there being no superior officer at the fort Captain Samuel Dixon commanded himself no other incidents worthy of notice this year He Served this year six months in the grade of a private soldier. In the Spring of the year 1780 he was again with his own consent ordered out into the Service and he was stationed at Nicholas' fort in the Same county and was again under the command of Capatin Samuel Dixon, Lieutenant William Pattie, and Ensign Hardy did service much the same kind as last year except there was not battle and again served his months. In the year 1781 he again served six months in the grade of private soldier and was stationed at Barr's fort and under the command of Colonel Barr himslef with Lieutenant Cribs and no battle this year and Service similar to last year to wit, guarding at the fort and occasionally ranging the frontier. In the year 1782 he again served six months in the grade of a private soldier and

was stationed at Sloans fort under Command of Major James Wilson, & Captain Samuel Sloan Service much as last year and not battle in all of the above tours of service he served as a private soldier and was while in service constantly engaged in guarding at the fort or ranging along the frontier he would not have been called out every year but for the cause before spoken of to wit that as it required all who was not in the fort and on duty to make a supply of bread stuff he preferred service in the fort to working in the fields and therefore allways [sic] tendered his service believing he was safer with arms in his hands than with farming utensils They were always called out about the putting out of the leave [sic] on the trees and or discharged some time after they had fallen off because they the Indians did not like to come in when the trees was clean and when the leaves would make so much noise but rather when the trees was green and thick however in the year 1785 the Indians had given indications that they would be more troublesome than before and it was necessary to be more vigelent [sic] and this declarant was called out in the beginning of the month of February and was this year engaged as a spy for the turm [sic] of nine months under the command

of Captain Abraham Cahill and neither company officer nor was there a free company nor were we stationed at any particular fort but constantly ranging along the frontier and lodging or resting at any of the many forts that were existed along the frontier this year he thinks that he served no less than three months before the news of the treaty of peace reached them and in the whole year nine months during this declarants aforesaid Service it was no uncommon thing for the Indians (not withstanding our vigilance) to steal in to the settlement and kill one or two and some times more persons and then retreat with such speed and address as to get of this declarant could relate many more of the incidents which took place during his Service in the Revolutionary war but for the fact that he was a resident in that part of the county until 1799 and took part in all of the Indian wars and campains [sic] from the Revolution until that time and all Indians wars are so much of the sameness that the incidents of the many tours of service are now in his recollection so much blended that he cannot separate any except incidents that was prominent and he has related those that was the most prominent and will now

repeat that he served in the grade of a private soldier in the militia of Pennsylvania not less than six months in each of the following years to wit 1779, 1780, 1781 and 1782 and as a spy in a spy company not less than three months before the news of peace reached us in the year 1782 and six months after in same so that he served as a private soldier during the Revolutionary was and in the service of the United States not less than two years and three months He received five discharges in writing the first signed by Captain Samuel Dixon, the second was signed by the same officer the third was signed by Colonel Barr the fourth was signed by Captain Samuel Sloan and the fifthy was signed by Captain Abraham Cahill all of which discharges he has lost or destroyed he supposing that they would not be of any service to him took no care of them and there for has no record evidence of his services. He was born on the 17 day of October 1763, in the county of Franklin State of Pennsylvania and remained there until about the year 1776 or the year 1777 when he moved to the county of Westmoreland same state and resided there until the year 1799 when he moved into the county of Venango same state and resided there until the

year 1814 When he moved again and stoped [sic] something more than one year in Clearmount [sic] County State of Ohio and in the year 1816 he moved into the county of Pendleton and State of Kentucky where he has resided ever since and does now reside. He knows of no living person by whom he can prove all or any part of his services whose evidence he can without great expence [sic] and trouble procure. When the law which will entitle him to a pension first was made public he knew of two persons who he had reason to believe was living and he immediately used such means as was in his power to ascertain facts The two persons Nancy Doty and Ann McDonnald I did not know where Nancy Doty lived but a friend of mine was passing through the northern part of the state of Ohio and saw her and she learning what I wished gave a statement seting [sic] forth what she could prove which was this declarants services in the year 1779. But she has since died. Ann McDonald lives in the State of Pennsylvania and at least four hundred miles distant from this declarant and he cannot travel to procure her evidence without great expence [sic] and trouble and she is now very old and infirm this declarant wrote to her

some considerable time since by the hand of a friend who was to pass through the ??tion in which she lived and he saw her informed this declarant through that friend that she could if her evidence could be taken at home prove the services of the declarant for the years 1781, 1782 and 1783, but this declarant has no acquaintance in her neighbourhood to attend to it and cannot attend himself oweing [sic] to distance &c. and if he were to attend the friend who saw her assuring him that she is not likely dead by this time he has a record of his ages in a Bible at his house He having knowledge of any Continental Regiments officers nor of any other officers except his own as he served west of the mountains having no person who can testify as to his services ?? he refers to the certificate of Charles Boner who is high Sheriff of this county and Colonel Thomas W Hart for the general belief of his neighbourhood as to his having been a Revolutionary Soldier
He here by relinquished every claim whatever to a pension or a annutiy except present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the Agency of any state or Teritory [sic]
Sworn to and subscribed Adam H Taylor is mark the day and year aforesaid
Mr Charles Boner and Thomas W

Footnote.com, Revolutionary War Pensions, original data from the National Archives, NARA M80,Pennsylvania, Adam Taylor, documents 21-28, accessed 20 January 2011.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adam Holiday Taylor Bounty Land for Margaret Dixon

The following document was an effort to get Margaret Dixon rights to Adam's pension and bounty land. It is very valuable because it contains information from Adam Taylor's bible on the births of Adam Taylor's children. It also contains Adam's birth, marriage, and death date along with Margaret Dixon's birth date. The document is signed by Adam's son, John.

State of Kentucky

County of Pendleton SS Personally appeared before the undersigned Kennady Blackburn a justice of the peace within & for the County & state aforesaid John Taylor of lawful age & good character to me well known as a resident of Kenton County Kentucky; & being first duly sworn according to law declares & says. That he is, according to the best information he has, a son of Adam Taylor, & Margaret Taylor formerly Margaret Dixon. That his father departed this life some where[sic] about the 1st of November 1851. – That his mother has recently come to live with him.- That he has now before him the family Bible of his father the said Adam Taylor In while under the head of Family Record is to be seen the following. Adam Taylor was born in the year of our Lord 1763 or 64 October 17.—Margaret Dixon was born August 2 Anno Domino 1774. – Married May the 8th Anno Domino 1794 Adam Taylor & Margaret Dixon. –Children being born

Joseph Taylor was born February 21, 1796.-

Thomas Taylor was born January 29, 1798.-

Adam Taylor was born Feb 18, 1800. –

William Taylor was born May 18, 1802. –

Easter Taylor was born October 9, 1804.-

John Taylor was born April 16, 1807.-

S D Taylor was born April 7, 1809. –

Jessey Taylor was born April 17 1811. –

Reuben Taylor was born May 22 1813.-

David Taylor was born July 27 1816. –

Holiday D Taylor was born July 7 1820. –

Nancy Jane Taylor was born March 1st 1823.-

So reads the family record left by my father which I believe to be correct. It is not in my Father’s own hand writing. –a part of the word is made out as this affiant Believes in the hand writing of an Daniel Davis a school teacher; & part of it, in the hand writing of Holiday D. Taylor, Son of Adam Taylor, & brother to this affiant John Taylor.- He further states that he is fully satisfied that the entrys [sic] were made & permitted to remain on record with his the said Adam Taylor’s knowledge. –for some years previous to his death. – This affiant also further states that his father had a Bible formerly-. In which was entered of record, in his own hand writing, his family Register or records of births ??.- The other bible he had, was a smaller one, than the one now before him & was much worn & tattered.- He further states that he has no doubt that the latter records is correctly copied from the former; & that both are correct.- He further states that he himself looks up to the bible now before him, for correct information, concerning his own birth & also that of his brothers & sisters & so far as he knows or believes, they that now survive all do the same.- He further states that he is making this affidavit to enable his mother, the said Margaret Taylor formerly the wife; now the widow of Adam Taylor, a Revolutionary Pensioner, to provide from the Department of the Interior, the Bounty land & pension to which she may be entitled, under existing laws of the United States.-he also further states that he is a disinterested affiant, so far as he under the circumstances could consistently be; that he claims no exclusive interest, or control in any thing [sic] she, has or may acquire.- That

he expects in all human probability that she the affiant’s mother, will remain with him so long as they both live; & should she succeed in getting little or much; it will be his to dispose of, as she in her own good pleasure, may seem fit.- free from any claim or control of this affiant Sworn to & subscribed this 10th day of March 1856

John Taylor

Kennedy Blackburn

State of Kentucky County of Pendleton Sit I Matthew Mullins Clark of the Court for the County & state aforesaid do hereby certify that Kennady Blackburn Esq whose genuine signature appears above is & was at the time of subscribing the same an acting Justice of the Peace within & for the County & state aforesaid duly Commissioned & sworn & that full faith & credit are due to all his official acts as such in Testimony when of I have here unto subscribed my name & affixed the seal of my said office done at Falmouth this 11 day of March 1856

M Mullins Ck

Footnote.com, Revolutionary War Pensions, original data from the National Archives, NARA M804, Pennsylvania, Adam Taylor, documents 5-7, accessed 20 January 2011.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adam Holiday Taylor's Revolutionary War Pension File

Adam Holiday Taylor is the grandfather of Margaret Eliza Taylor. Her father, Joseph Taylor, was his first child. Adam was born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania in 1763. Because the need was so great, he began serving in the Revolutionary War when only 15 years old.

We are fortunate to have copies of the records of Adam Holiday Taylor's service in the Revolutionary War. These are kept at the National Archives in his pension file. They have become available through Footnote.com. There are 69 pages in all, giving a wide variety of information on his own life as well as his family's lives. Today I am posting the first three pages. I have included a transcription of the pages 2 and 3, for easier reading. If you see any corrections to be made in the transcriptions, please record them in the comment box.

I hope you enjoy these documents.

State of Kentucky

County of (Pendleton struck out) Kenton (written above) SS on this 17th day of December AD 1855

Personally appeared before the undersigned a justice of the peace within & for the County and State aforesaid Margaret Taylor a resident of the County of Kenton in the state of Kentucky aged about eight one years & of good character & being duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the act or acts of Congress passed on the 29 day of July 1848 granting pensions to widows of persons who served during the Revolutionary war. – That she is the widow of Adam Taylor who was a private in the army of the Revolution that her said husband entered the army at on or about the (left blank)

In the company commanded by Captain (left blank) of the (left blank) Regiment commanded by Colonel (left blank) & General (left blank)

That he was discharged or disbanded at (left blank) on or about the (left blank)

That she was lawfully joined in marriage with said Adam Taylor at or in Westmoreland County Pennsylvania by one John Ponerry A Justice of the Peace on or about the 8 day of May AD 1794 and that her said

husband died in the County of Pendleton & state of Kentucky on or about the first day of November 1851 & that she is now a widow. She further states that her aforesaid husband was a Revolutionary pensioner. That his Pension Certificate now in her possession is in the words and figures as follows – to wit

War Department

Revolutionary Claim


I Certify that in conformity with the law of the United States of the 7th of June 1832 Adam Taylor of the state of Kentucky who was a private in the army of the Revolution is entitled to receive Eighty Dollars & ____ Cents per annum during his natural life commencing on the 4th of March 1831 & payable semi annually on the 4th of March & 4th of September in every year.

Given at the war office of the United States this 28th day of April one Thousand eight hundred & thirty four

Levi? Cass

Secretary of ward

Examined & Countersigned, D L Edward

Commissioner of Pensions

She refers to & relies on the proof on file at the office for particulars & for proof of her sd husband’s services sworn to & subscribed the day & date first before written

Margaret Taylor (her mark)


Footnote.com, Revolutionary War Pensions, original data from the National Archives, NARA M804, Pennsylvania, Adam Taylor, documents 1-3, accessed 20 January 2011.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement's Cupboard

As mentioned previously, Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement is the daughter of Margaret Taylor and the one to whom we owe much of the memories we have of Margaret Taylor. One of the treasured keepsakes of Margaret Eliza and Thomas Alma Clement is the cupboard they purchased while living in Menan, Idaho. Thankfully it survived when their Mesa home burned. Granddaughter, Alta Clement Willis, tells about this cupboard in the podcast to the left labeled "Margaret Eliza Clement's Cupboard."
Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement is shown with her husband, Thomas Alma Clement in the inset above.
Margaret Eliza Shoemaker and Thomas Alma Clement's home in Menan Idaho is pictured above.
The new home of Emily Maude Johnson and Lester Elden Clement is pictured above.
Granddaughter Mary Clement Johnson is shown above with her husband Tone Johnson. She was the first to store the cupboard after Maud and Lester Clement's deaths.
Grandson, Donald Clement is shown above in his younger years. Donald was the second grandchild to store the cupboard.

Granddaughter Nione Clement Larsen is shown with her husband Roger Larsen. Roger and Nione restored the cupboard to its present condition.

The restored cupboard of Margaret Eliza Shoemaker and Thomas Alma Clement.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fire Claims Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement's Home

Further memories of Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement are shared by her granddaughter, Alta Clement Willis. [Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement is the daughter of Margaret Eliza Taylor Shoemaker.] You can listen to these memories through the podcast to the left labeled "Fire Claims Margaret Eliza Clement's Home." Below are photos of some of the people who are mentioned in these memories.

Lester Clement is the youngest child of Margaret Eliza Shoemaker and Thomas Alma Clement. He is also Alta's father who she fondly remembers as "Papa."

Emily Maud Johnson Clement is Alta's mother ("Mama") and wife of Lester Elden Clement.

Lester and Maud's family a few years after this incident. Margaret (sitting on your right) was a toddler at the time of the fire.

Margaret Shoemaker Clement, daughter of Margaret Taylor, was about 68 years old at the time of the fire. She is Lester's mother and Alta's grandmother.

Alex Clement was Margaret Eliza Clement's son and Lester's older brother. Margaret Eliza was visit his home (also in Mesa, Arizona) at the time of the fire.

Margaret Clement shown here as a toddler with her older sister Mary. She had followed her mother, Maud, outside and therefore escaped the fire. Margaret and Mary are Alta's older sisters.

Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement's home after it was rebuilt.
Roger Larson, digitized photos.
Alta Willis Clement, Memories of My Grandmother, Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement, interviewed by daughter, Janet Willis.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement

Margaret Eliza Taylor's daughter, Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement was instrumental in the details we know about Margaret Eliza Taylor. In her later years she gave a history that included many details about her mother and father and their experiences. Alta Clement Willis is her granddaughter and a living link to her past. Alta lived near Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement during her final years. Although just a young girl at the time, Alta retains some memories of Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement, held strong through the bond of love she developed for her soft-spoken, loving grandma. A debt of gratitude is owed to Alta for sharing these memories and to Janet Willis, her daughter, for recording them. You can listen to a portion of these memories as you look through the following photographs. Just click the black button to the left labeled "Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement daughter of Margaret Taylor."
Margaret Eliza Shoemaker and Thomas Alma Clement family photograph. Their youngest child, Lester, is Alta's father and is sitting on Margaret Eliza's lap.

Lester Clement's home, which he moved near his mother's home to help her in her aging years.

Margaret Eliza Taylor's home in Mesa, Arizona. She moved to Mesa from Menan, Idaho in 1906.
Alta Clement (Willis) is shown here as a young girl. Her grandmother passed away on February 14, 1929 at the age of 81 years. Alta was 7 years old at the time.

Alta's sister, Dora was born in April of 1928, giving a reference to about the time the following photos were taken.

Larson, Roger and Nione Clement Larson. Digitized Photographs.

Kearns, Richard. "Study 6." Studies for piano. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, 2000. Posted 29 September 2009. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category: Piano_solos. Accessed 3 March 2011.

Willis, Alta Clement. Memories of Margaret Eliza Shoemaker Clement. Recorded by Janet Willis.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Unanswered Questions

Margaret Taylor and Alexander Morain Shoemaker married on 29 October 1835 in Pendleton, Kentucky. They appear on the Quincy, Adams, Illinois census in 1840.[1] Between those two dates, there is some conflicting information as to the timing and whereabouts of their moves.

On 16 July 1836 their first child, Sarah Ann was born. She died 10 months later on 24 May 1837. These are dates from New Family Search, with both Illinois and Kentucky recorded as the birthplace. I do not have documentation on these dates yet, but it is likely they were obtained from Margaret Taylor herself, as she was involved in church and temple work until she died in 1906.

Alexander Morain Shoemaker's obituary states they moved from Kentucky to Illinois "shortly after marriage...where he heard the gospel and was baptized into the Church."[2] This is likely where the birthplace of Illinois came from.
Daughter, Margaret Eliza Shoemaker, says her father told her they were in Missouri at the time the Saints were being mobbed. It was there they first heard the gospel.[3] The Taylor were in Platte County, Missouri at the time of the 1840 census. [4]
[1 male under 5 (Mark born 1837); 2 males 5 to 9 (Heber born 1832 and Samuel born 1830); 1 male 10 to 14 (John born 1826); 1 male 15 to 19 (Joseph H. born 1824); 1 male 20 to 29 (James born 1820, married in 1841 in Platte Co., MO); 1 male 40 to 49 (joseph born 1796); 1 female 30 to 39 (Nancy born about 1804). Note Margaret born 181 was married, Rebecca, born 1822, was likely married, Mary Ann died in 1838 and Nancy Jane died in 1833.]

Margaret's brother, James Taylor, was married to Martha Petty in Pettis Township, Platte County, Missouri in 18 Nov 1841.[5] Both these facts back Margaret Eliza Shoemaker's statement that Alexander and Margaret moved to Missouri before moving on to Illinois.

Taking all this into consideration, it is likely Sarah Ann was born and died in Kentucky. Another possibility is they moved to Missouri before Sarah Ann was born or perhaps before she died.

At the present time, my research is focusing on Mid-Atlantic States research with Margaret's grandfather, Adam Holiday Taylor in Pennsylvania. In April I begin a class on Midwest U.S. research. I hope to find a few more details on these and other discrepancies during that time.

1 1840 U.S. Census, Quincy, Adams, Illinois, population schedule, digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), citing NARA publication M704, record group 29, roll 54, page 52, no. 4, family 17, accessed 9 November 2009.
2 Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah), microfilm publication, 30 reels, vol. 21 (7 Feb. 1872-29 Jan. 1872), 15 May 1872, page 212, column 1, first entry, FHL US/CAN Film 26,593.
3 Margaret Eliza [Shoemaker] Clement, life history dictated to Belva Watson, sometime between 1920 and 1929; typescript privately held by Alta Clement Willis, her granddaughter, 2011.
4 1840 U.S. Census, Platte County, Missouri, population schedule, digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), citing NARA microfilm publication M704, record group 29, roll 228, page 103, accessed 7 December 2009.
5 "Missouri Marriage Records," digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), accessed November 2009.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Truth Over Rumor

When Margaret Eliza Taylor and Alexander Shoemaker first came to Missouri, they were not members of the church. In fact, Margaret seems to have been convinced the rumors that circulated concerning the Mormons were true. Margaret and Alexander's daughter, Margaret Shoemaker Clement, later said:

"I remember very well of hearing my parent relate the incident that brought them into the church. They were living in Missouri at the time the Saints were being mobbed and being driven from their homes, but they were known only as "desperadoes" and nearly every one joined to fight and exterminate them. A cold rainy period was on, and it had been raining for several days, when a "hello" was heard at the door. My father opened it. He was told that a whole company was coming and wanted shelter. He answered the inquiry with a strong "I will furnish shelter and protections." As the messenger turned and was gone, my mother objected to having a house full of "desperadoes" and said she could not live with them. He met her strong opposition by telling her she could stay upstairs. In spite of the fear she had for them, a large company of them came and they were made very welcome.

"My father and mother knowing the truth when they heard it was baptized six months later and my father proved a very able man to save the Saints from falling into traps the mobs or neighbors would set for them."[1]

1 Margaret Eliza (Shoemaker) Clement, life history dictated to Belva Watson, sometime between 1920 and 1929; typescript privately held by Alta Clement Willis, her granddaughter, 2011.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Missouri and the Church

The next move took Margaret and Alexander Shoemaker as well as the Taylor family into Missouri. It is here that they first had contact with the Mormons. To give a background of the Church in Missouri there is a timeline from information found in Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual chapters 9, 11-12, 15-17 and Our Heritage: A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapter 4. Both of these books are found online at http://lds.org/churchhistory/history.

Remember that Margaret and Alexander were married in Pendleton County, Kentucky on 29 October 1835, so their move to Missouri was after that date. However, we also know from Margaret Shoemaker Clement's history that her parents were "in Missouri at the time the Saints were being mobbed and driven from their homes." As you can see from the timeline below, the Saints were driven from several counties in Missouri at vaying times during the 1830s.

3 Jun - Joseph Smith received a revelation to go to Missouri.
July - The Colesville Saints arrived in Independence, Missouri.
2 Aug - The land of Zion was dedicated.
3 Aug - The temple site in Independence was dedicated.

June - Elder Phelps published the first edition of the Evening and Morning Star.

April - There were over 1000 Saints in Missouri. The first signs of persecution arose.
20 July - A mob of 400 demanded the Saints leave Jackson County. The printing house was destroyed. Bishop Partridge and Charles Allen were tarred and feathered
Nov-Dec - The Saints were expelled from Jackson County and moved into Clay County.

May - Zion's Camp left Kirtland to help the Missouri Saints.
19 Jun - A mob of 300 Missourians met Zion's camp but were stopped by a fierce storm.

Summer - The Saint remained in Clay County until they were asked to leave. They began settlying in Far West.
Dec - Caldwell and Davies Counties were created for the Saints through the help of Alexander W. Doniphan. Far West was named the county seat of Caldwell County.

Nov - Joseph Smith briefly visited Far West.

14 March - Joseph Smith arrived to settle in Far West.
May - Joseph Smith identified the Valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman.
4 July - The cornerstones for the temple were dedicated.
6 Aug - Persecution began again when a mob of 100 wouldn't let the Saints cast their ballots in Gallatin, Daviess County.
7 Sept. - Joseph Smith and Lyman Wight were tried before Judge Austin King.
27 Oct - Governor Boggs issued the "extermination order."
30 Oct - The Haun's Mill massacre occurred in Caldwell County.
1 Dec - Joseph & Hyrum Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Lyman Wight, Caleb Baldwin, and Alexander McRae were sent to Liberty Jail in Clay County.

26 Jan - Brigham Young began organizing for the removal of the Saints.
Feb - 8,000 Saints left Missouri for Illinois.
22 Apr - Those in Liberty Jail joined the Saints in Illinois.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Joy Amidst Sorrow

Two of Margaret's siblings died in childhood. Nancy Jane Taylor died in 1834, the year following her birth. Mary Ann Taylor died in 1838 at about 10 years of age.

In the middle of the tragedies, a joyful event unfolded. Margaret Eliza Taylor married Alexander Morain Shoemaker. We find two documents in Pendleton County, Kentucky Clerk of the Court, Marriage Records proving this happy event. The marriage license entry is found on the bottom of page 233, dated 27 October 1835. It reads, "Alexander M Shoemaker and Margaret Taylor. License obtained by Joseph Taylors personal consent who is the father of Margaret. Said Shoemaker being of full age."[1] Margaret was 17 years old at the time of her marriage.

I would assume that Margaret's father was fully happy with this arrangement. Not only did he give his consent, but he also had named his last son with the Shoemaker name (Heber Shoemaker Taylor, born 21 August 1834).

The second record (found on the bottom of page 244) records their marriage. "I hereby certify I have joined in Matrimony Alexander M. Shoemaker and Margaret Taylor this 29 day of October 1835 both of this County of Pendlton and State of Kentucky. George Graden."[2]

1 Pendleton County (Kentucky), Clerk of the County Court, Marriage Records, 1799-1962, microfilm publication, 24 reels (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah 1962, 1990, Morgantown, KY: E&K Microfilming), 233.

2 Pendlton County (Kentucky), Clerk of the County Court, Marriage Rcords, 1799-1962, 244.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Move to Kentucky

Derry Township shown within Westmoreland County [1]

Westmoreland County shown within Pennsylvania [2]

Joseph H. Taylor (born 21 Feb 1824) was the last sibling of Margaret Eliza Taylor born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Sometime between that date and 21 Apr 1826, the family moved to Pendleton County, Kentucky. Margaret would have been between 5 and 7 years old.
Pendleton County shown within Kentucky[3]

Pendleton County was created from Campbell and Bracken counties in 1798. [4] The county is nicknamed the "Land of Meandering Rivers and Rolling Hills." Main Licking and South Licking are the two major rivers that run through Pendleton County.[5] Falmouth, the county seat, was formed in 1793 and is the largest town in Pendleton. Other towns within the county have been "Morgan, Callensville, Goforth, DeMossville, Grassy Creek, BostonStation, Peach Grove, Bachelor's Rest McKenneysburg, Mt. Auburn, Portland, Knoxville, Gardnersville, Short Creek, Concord, Flour Creek, Blanket Creek, Roanoke, Oakland, Turner Ridge, Richland" and others.[6] We are not sure which town Margaret's family lived in.

While in Pendleton six more siblings were born: John (21 Apr 1826), Mary Ann (11 Jun 1828),[7] Samuel Morehead (8 Oct 1830),[8] Nancy Jane (10 Jun 1832), Heber Shoemaker (21 Aug 1834),[9] and Mark Graham (10 Jan 1837).[10]

U.S. Census 1830 Pendleton County, Kentucky[11]

The 1830 U.S. census in Pendleton County, Kentucky shows Joseph with Nancy and their six children. It was listed with tally marks, but matches exactly the six children who had been born as shown below:
1 male under 5 (John, born 1826)
2 males 5 to 9 (James, born 1820; and Joseph H., born 1824)
1 male 30 to 39 (Joseph, born 1796)
1 female under 5 (Mary Ann, born 1828)
1 female 5 to 9 (Rebecca, born 1822)
1 female 10 to 14 (Margaret Eliza, born 1818)
1 female 20 to 29 (Nancy, born about 1804)
Note that Samuel Morehead, Nancy Jane, Heber Shoemaker, and Mark Graham were born after the 1830 census was taken.

1 "Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia (Wikimedia Foundation Inc.: 2009), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derry_ Township,_Westmoreland_County,_Pennsylvania, accessed 10 Dec 2009.
2 Wikipedia, "Derry Township," accessed 10 Dec 2009.
3 Pendleton County, Kentucky," in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia (Wikimedia Foundation Inc.: 2009), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derry_Township,_Westmoreland _County,_Pennsylvania, accessed 10 Dec 2009.
4 Pendleton County: the Southern Side of Northern Kentucky, "History of Pendleton County," http://www.pendletoncounty.ky.gov/about/history.htm,accessed 31 Jan 2001.
5 Pendleton County: the Southern Side of Northern Kentucky, "Footprints in the Snow," http://pendltoncounty.ky.gov/default.htm, accessed 31 Jan 2011.
6 Pendleton County: the Southern Side of Northern Kentucky, History of Pendleton County," http://www.pendletoncounty.ky.gov/about/history.htm, accessed 31 Jan 2001.
7 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Logan Temple, Baptisms for the Dead, 1884-1943 (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1959, 1974), 154, entry 5511, FHL Film 177838.
8 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Logan Temple, Baptisms for the Dead, 1884-1955 (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1959, 1974), 98 entry 3584, FHL Film 177853.
9 Logan Temple, Baptisms for the Dead 1884-1955, 98 entry 3585 FHL Film 177853.
10 Logan Temple, Baptisms for the Dead 1884-1955, 98 entry 3586 FHL Film 177853.
11 1830 U.S. Federal Census, Pendleton, Kentucky [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. Original data: 1830 U.S. Census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publication M19, 201 rolls; roll 41; page 73.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Early Years in Pennsylvania

Margaret Eliza Taylor was the first child of Joseph and Nancy Taylor. She was born 8 Sep 1818 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.[1] The family was living in the Derry Township, Westmoreland County Pennsylvania at the time of the 1820 census.[2] While in Pennsylvania, three siblings were born: James on 23 Jan 1820[3], Rebecca on 14 Jan 1822[4], and Joseph on 21 Feb 1824[5].

Derry Township was established in 1775, making it the first new township created by the recently formed Westmoreland County. The first settlement in this area was in 1762 by some of the soldiers in the Forbes' army. The first pioneers came as early as 1763. Some of the early settlers of this township include Alexander Taylor and Andrew Dixon.[6] It will be interesting to find if they are related in some way to Margaret Eliza's grandparents, Adam Taylor and Margaret Dixon.

For an interesting history on Derry Township visit the Living Places website. Wikipedia has a map showing both the location of Derry Township in
Westmoreland County and Westmoreland County in relationship to Pennsylvania. And finally, a photo of the countryside of Derry Township is found on the Derry Township Website.

1 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Temple Records Index Bureau, Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register: 10 December 1845 to 8 February 1846 (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1985), 223, entry 4, FHL Book 977.343/N1 K29.

2 The 1820 Census lists Joseph Taylor by name and the rest by tally marks under age categories. The tally marks show 1 male under 5 (James born 1820), 1 male 20-29 (Joseph born 1796), 1 female under 5 (Margaret Eliza born 1818), 1 female 15-19 (Nancy born about 1804), as well as 1 female 40-49 (unknown, possibly a mother of Nancy or Joseph). 1820 U.S. Census, Derry Twp., Westmoreland, Pennsylvania population schedule, digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), citing National Archives microfilm publication M3, 142 roll, record group 29; Washington, D.C., accessed 10 Nov 2009.
3 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Logan Temple, Endowments for the Dead, 1884-1970 (Salt Lake City: filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1958-1971), 339 entry 12400, FHL Film 177,960.
4 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Logan Temple, Baptisms for the Dead, 1884-1943 (Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of utah, 1959, 1974), 97 entry 3560, FHL Film 177,853.
5 Logan Temple, Baptisms for the Dead, 98 entry 3583, FHL Film 177,853.
6 John N. Boucher, History of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania, Volume 1 (New York: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), http://www.livingplaces.com/PA/Westmoreland_County/ Derry_Township.html, accessed 29 Nov 2009.